Plastic Free July

Plastic Free July is part of a strong push across Australia to reduce our use of plastics. It started as a grassroots movement in Western Australia in 2011 and has grown into a global phenomenon. 

Each July millions of people give up single use plastic during the month of July. It aims to raise awareness of the amount of single-use disposable plastic items in our daily lives and challenges people to “choose to refuse”.

“Virtually every piece of plastic ever manufactured still exists in some form today,” says Executive Director and Founder of the Plastic Free July Foundation, Rebecca Prince Ruiz. 

You don't have to ban all plastics all at once; start with giving up plastic straws and single-use plastic bags, then you can add a few extras once you’re comfortable. Here are a few ideas:

  • Take your own reusable cup for a takeaway coffee. Try a jar, using a borrowed mug from Cup Exchange, or purchasing a keep cup.
  • Pack your lunch using reusable containers or snack bags instead of clingwrap.
  • Stop putting your produce into disposable plastic bags and avoid buying fruit and veggies pre-packaged in plastic. There are great reusable produce bags made from recycled water bottles or upcycled lace curtains.
  • Have a stash of cloth bags to do your shopping and keep them somewhere prominent.
  • Take a water bottle to fill from the tap wherever you go. It will save you money too!
  • Look for plastic-free packaging for goods at the shops or buy in glass or cardboard.
  • Bulk buy where possible – fill up your existing containers at our refill station and shop at bulk food stores. Even supermarkets have bulk stations now.
  • Wrap leftovers in Waxiwraps (or even make your own) or use reusable silicone products.

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